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Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Craft show: "ID-Creative"

I went to my very first Craft show over the weekend! A few weeks ago, my sister (not Madame "L", another sister) got some tickets for it. I was so excited because I had never been to one. I know, it sounds weird considering what I do :-)

Anyway, we spent an afternoon there together and it was fun. There were a lot of stalls in that place, sometimes maybe too many as it was hard to walk through those aisles and see some of the things people had to show or sell.

In all though, it was great as that sort of show is very helpful when you are in search of new things to do. Although everywhere you look, you see something you want to try so you have to stop yourself , or you would start a new hobby everyday lol

The downside are the prices: they are sometimes ridiculous! I am, of course, not talking about people selling their creations, but I am referring to the findings, beads, threads, etc.. I honestly didn't buy any of those knowing well I would be able to find them much cheaper and in bigger quantities on eBay lol

Seriously! They would sell you a tiny bead for 1€ when you could have 3 or 4 of them for the same price online. The only thing I bought because I had never seen it before was some sort of thread made of recycled plastic bottles. I will have to think of what I will do with that. It seems they mainly do bracelets with it. I will see...

I also got to see some girls from a blog I follow regularly. It was kind of cool to see them in real life: it made my sister laugh because I was all happy about that. I didn't talk to them but listened to the tips they gave on fimo which I will surely remember!

I have to try and attend more craft shows in the future: they are fun!!

That's all for today :-)
Pti Kikó

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